Saturday 18 July 2015

Tummel Pitlochry salmon no go today...obvious really

After my good day at Loch Bhac I had plans to fish a couple of beats on the Tummel for the next two days. I knew that heavy rain had been predicted for during the night but I was still very surprised to see the height of the river and it was clear that there would be no fishing today. A walk up to the dam to see the torrent of water cascading out of the openings, very impressive. There must have been huge rainfall up country. Forecast more rain and strong winds so tomorrow will be a no go as well.
Still the good news was that I had not paid out any money for the fishing, there will be another day.
Looking to Port na Craig

The bridge at Fonab

From the footbridge

The dam spews its water

Don't think it was too happy either

Water coming from top and bottom

Downriver from the dam

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